Saturday, March 24, 2007


(Photo website:

I saw this movie yesterday, and I like it pretty much.

The spirit of this movie focuses on dignity and courage. That’s why I was touched in this movie, though some people criticize for its poor content.

So it’s a very interesting topic; would you think living with dignity and self-esteem is the most important? We all have seen people willing to do anything for promotion or financial success. Will you do something the same?

I am always taught that being honest and conscientious eventually leads to not only material but mental success. And I still believe it now.

However, it is still safer to put on armor while fighting.

Great movie. Enjoy it.


Blue Lady said...

I loved this movie. But while I have great amazement and admiration for the Spartans, I could not go those lengths for pride, even metaphorically. I'm the kind of person that wants to make up and make friends. The Spartans were definitely not liberals. :)

Iris said...

hi bluelady,

Thanks for your comment. I think you are right from the other side reviewing this movie. There is no actually freedom for Spartans according to history. I would also wonder if I like this. :p Cheers.
