Tuesday, April 17, 2007


It's very rare to hear Taiwan's name internationally. Thanks to baseball, Tae Kuan Do, and many other sports or art activity, people around the world hear this nation (though we usually have to use "Chinese Taipei")

I will try to introduce those what make Taiwan known by the world. And today, I'll share some sequences of baseball games besides Chien-Ming Wang in Yankees, New York. This MV is the song for 2004 Olympic baseball game by Power Station (Dong Li Huo Zhe in Mandarion Chinese).

PS. I don't have much spare time in these two weeks, so you guys won't see new posts very often. Don't miss me too much!! :p


Unknown said...

The Little League World Series is held here in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The state I live in. The team from Taiwan is always very good and has won a few times. These games are shown on national tv here in USA. So we now how good you are at baseball!!



Iris said...

hi caplondon,
wow!! I didn't know that. Glad to hear they have good performance there. Cheer for them!! :)
