Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Deadly earthquake hits Indonesia

Deadly earthquake hits Indonesia.

Magnitude 6.3. hit Sumatra. 70 people had been killed so far.

May all the people you know and care about over there safe and sound.


Sherry said...

My thoughts are with everyone over there.

Iris said...

To mrs. slushie,
That's very kind of you. :)


Unknown said...

We see that on the news here in USA. Seems like alot more earthqaukes in that region the last few years. Hopefully better days ahead!!!


Iris said...

Hi caplondon, glad to have your warm words. The land here is much younger geologically, so it it very possible to have more earthquakes. We all hope for better days. :) Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Iris,
It has been a lot of disasters in Indonesia. From tsunami, drowned ferry, falling plane, flood and earthquake. Fortunately, part of my family who lives there is doing OK.
Thank you for your kind attention.

Beni Bevly

Iris said...

Glad everything is fine. :) Cheers!