Monday, February 26, 2007


Going to introduce pop music in Taiwan from time to time. Let's relax and have fun in this article!!

The first one comes "MACHI", a very cool hip hop group. "Machi" means buddy in Taiwanese. Jeff, the leader of Machi, used this idea and set up this group.

The song below performed in Taiwanese is talking about the meaning of "Machi". It's the first song in the first album. Check it out.

Another one from 2nd album:

Machi was initially consisted of men. And a pretty girl, Mel, joined them in the latest album (the third one). Moreover, members in this group are up to 9 in the third album.

If you like them and wanna know more about their music, visit YouTube and serach for MACHI or 麻吉.

Also, visit this website and it shows your more details.



Do you know why MACHI means Friend or Buddy in Taiwanese? it is from the Japanese colonial period, right? because in Japanese, nihongo, MACHI maybe meant MATCH, from the English word, matchmaker, or a good match, these two people are a good match, good friends? Is that how the word MACHI entered the Taiwanese vocabulary? Do you know? If you know, email me at danbloom AT gmail DOT com


or does it come from TOMODACHI, friend in Japanese? toModACHI, maybe?

Iris said...

hi dan,
Yes I think you're right. Seems you know Taiwan a lot. That's awesome. Every language borrows words from other language, and Taiwanese is no exception. But I am not sure if Japanese  came from English. Maybe you can tell me.